Women in Technology

The facts about women in Technology is amazing.
57% of 2008 undergrad degree recipients were women. This is an amazing percent! Women take over the men in undergrad degrees!! This shows a few things, 1) Women are getting more educated then men, 2) If women were to continue on the path of education at this rate, more women would be more educated to take on higher jobs in the workforce. This means that, potentially, women have a chance to take men over in the work place. They could also push more people into the Science, Engineering, and Technology sector, which has been dominated by men for a while now.
18% of 2008 computer and info sciences undergrad recipients were women. This percent is a good percent to be at, but it needs to grow. I, personally, would like to see this percent to grow to be higher and more even. Women need to work harder to make this field grow!
56 % of AP test takers are female. This too, is also an amazing percent. Women are on top of men again!
51% of AP Calc test takers are female. This is a great percent to be at! This shows that women are advanced in the Math field. After the Math field, comes the Tech field. The percentage here is a good number, but it would be nice to see it rise. 17% of AP Computer Science test takers were female. This is a start women! You still have to keep on trucking! If the 17% graduate, this will add to the Tech field, which is a great sight to see!
28% of Computer Scientists (2008) were female. This is an AMAZING percent. Women hold almost 1/3 of the Computer Scientist positions! It would be extremely nice to see this number climb to 40 and 50% in the future.
Technology is a growing and very demanding field. I think that these statistics show that we ALL under estimated the number of women in the STEM fields. I would like to thank Sarah Cofer (http://twitter.com/sarahcofer) for providing the facts from NCWIT Summit on Women and IT (http://www.ncwit.org).