Category Archives: Work

Summer Internship – Day 3

So wow! I’ve only been in the office for only about 20 hours this week, and I’m already caught up on my project that I’m working on  (developing a layer of non-tillable lands). So far I’ve drawn 917 polygons (according to the object ID count in the attribute table in the geodatabase. Tomorrow, I’m going to work on the building footprint layer for the rest of Story County, and will be working on that until my boss’s boss draws on some more maps of what I need to mark out.

Also today, was a really nice employee appreciation lunch that was AMAZING. I got to see some faces I knew and talk with a few other folks from other buildings and departments. I almost forgot to mention me and my boss were laughed at a few times b/c we apparently wore the almost exact same shirt today. How coincidental? lol.

While I was working today, I found some interesting things, below is just one of them.

Summer Internship – Day 1


Where has the summer gone?!?! I can’t believe it! My summer days of fun have come to an end already. There have gone the days when I can sleep in and stay in my PJs ALL DAY LONG! 🙁

Today I start my GIS Internship at Story County Assessor’s Office! I have worked here last summer as a volunteer internship, but my efforts of working with them have finally paid off and I’m getting paid this summer! I look forward to finally getting a co-worker in my office (my boss). Last summer, I was working in the Assessor’s Office conference room. I’m most looking forward to the dual monitor setup this year. Last year I had only a single monitor, and that was a real pain working on my projects that I did.

This summer I’m looking forward to finally finishing the Countywide Building Footprint layer that will be implemented with the E-911 system and other maps that I started last summer and the intern before me worked some more on.

I won’t ever complain about this job (except maybe for the dress code) because I’m doing something I’m PASSIONATE about, I’m making the world a BETTER PLACE one MAP at a time, and I’m paying it forward for my future career paths. I’ll try to update about all the fun projects I’m working on throughout my internship.