2013 National 4-H Week – Q&A

Happy National Youth Science Day! This year’s science experiment is Maps & Apps! This Q&A post will take the place of an experience today since I didn’t get anything else put together for today.
These questions came from the Iowa 4-H Foundation Blog. I figured I would take the time to answer these great questions!

Q: What are the HIGHLIGHTS of your 4-H experience?
A: I have been involved with 4-H for 12 years and have had LOTS of experiences in 4-H. I have presented at the White House once during the 2013 National 4-H Conference and got invited back to the 2013 White House Science Fair. This was probably the highlight of my 4-H experiences. Another highlight was serving on the 2012-2013 Iowa 4-H State Council.

Q: What does 4-H mean to you?
A: 4-H means the world to me. It has given me leadership, communication, geospatial, and many other skills. It has built my future career path out of nothing. It also means friendships for life.

Q: What is the most important lesson or educational experience you learned/had from 4-H?
A: The most important educational experience that I gained while in 4-H was in geospatial technology. It was geospatial technology that I got the most involved with.

Q: How has 4-H influenced or helped your college experience?
A: Like I said previously, 4-H has purely influenced my college major and future career path (Geographic Information Sciences & Emergency Management).

Q: What does National 4-H Week mean to you?
A: National 4-H Week means the time when I can scream & shout out the greatness of 4-H! 🙂

Q: What is your favorite 4-H memory?
A: Several of my favorite 4-H memories involved Jay Staker (E-SET Guy) when I was on the State Tech Team. Other memories are when I was on State Council. One involved us staying up till midnight during a retreat to celebrate someone’s 18th birthday. I also fondly enjoyed learning the choreography to our dance production for the 2013 State 4-H Conference. Another was during the 2012 State 4-H Conference when Scott Greenburg came and talked about an issue close to my heart and I hugged him and just lost it.