ISU GIS Day ~ Recorded Webcast
~~My Notes~~
9:05-9:25 – GIS Day proclamation – David Runneals – Iowa 4H
– GIS in 4H – What’s going on?
9:25 – 9:50 – Bob Lemen farewell and Jim Langtry hello – USGS Iowa Geospatial Liaison
- Not replacing leaving liaisons. Existing ones will be spread thiner
– USTopo demonstration – using the GeoPDF toolbar in ArcMAP, Adobe – Jesse Soukup, IDNR
Iowa Geospatial Infrastructure Birthday Party
- IGI is Iowa’s contribution to the NSDI
- Originated out of a business plan in 2008 (after the flood)
- IGI: Collecting, organizing, and delivering consistent framework on data.
- Framework layers
- Geodetic Control: county GPS control monuments & NGS benchmarks – Counties & Federal
- Ortho Imagery: BW, Color, and CIR orthorectified aerial imagery – Counties, State, & Federal
- Administrative Boundaries: city, county, and state boundaries – Cities & Counties
- Cadastral data: public land survey section corners, section lines, & parcel boundaries
- Transportation: road centerlines, railroads, trails, airports, & waterways – Cities, Counties, & State
- Elevation: digital elevation models & contours – State & Federal
- Hydrography: rivers & streams, water bodies, & watershed boundaries – State
- Address Points – Cities, Counties, & State
- Structures: 2D building footprints, bridges, towers – Cities, Counties, & State
- 2′ orthos for the WHOLE STATE of Iowa!
- 5 counties that don’t have GIS programs in Iowa! That is IMPRESSIVE! (June 2010)
- Geocoding Project (Western half FY 2010-11 & Eastern FY 2012-13)
- 1960’s Historic Ortho Photography Project (as of Nov. 15th) – January/February 2011 all of 1960’s should be done
- 1950’s Ortho is complete
- 1980’s Ortho most likely will be next
- 2010 NAIP RGB (should be ready in a couple days on IDNR, but is on USDA site)
- 2010 NAIP 4-Band will come as DOQQ’s (Delivered in next 2 months)
9:50-10:15 – Lidar Completion – Jim Giglierano, IDNR
– Includes lidar derivative demo – county based DEMs, hillshades and 2’ contours
– Stream centerline demo
– Floodplain mapping demo
- WHOLE STATE of Iowa’s Lidar has been COMPLETED! Avail. from UNI server
- Some using lidar for flood plain mapping
- Q:Why are we doing this?? A:So we are ready for the next time.
- “Why do people want frickin contours??????!?!?!?!?!?!?” (Talking about people DEMANDING contours)
- Iowa Flood Center is creating the flood layers… (Received $10 Mil from Iowa Gov’t to start creating shp files)
10:15-10:45 – Statewide ortho completion – Andy Asell, IDNR
– 4-band 2’ spring and 4-band NAIP 2010 demo
– Historical aerial photography demo
– High-resolution land cover demo
- Terrago (Toolbars & Resources)
- Must use Acrobat to unlock layers
- 3-D Geopdf
- import geomarks
- Can’t do Animations w/ Geopdfs… yet
10:45-11:15 – Statewide Geocoding Project update – Zeb Squires and Evan Koester, IDNR
– Demo of address point collection process
- Over 1/2 Million Points placed so far! (A little under-half done)
- Pick up on shadows & use to classify
- Doing this ALL by hand! WOW!
- Future: maintained w/ next generation 911 system or county guys maintain
– GPS crowd-sourcing demo – Tyler Johnson
- Fun, inexpensive solution to collect address data for the geocoding project
- Take pics or notes of houses
- Crowd-sourced counties (Completed)
- Adair County (greenfield)
- Ida County (Ida Grove, Holstein, Battle Creek, Galva, Arthur)
- Equipment
- Camera (res not to big, not to small)
- GPS w/ track capability (track every 5 sec)
- Clipboard (papermap w/ assigned route)
- Data collection
- Carried GPS & photographed buildings
- Captured the address & building function
- Transfering
- EasyGPS
- Photo program
- Used GPS Photo Link (Bought a license, since it worked good for them.)
- Couple hours of Post Proc.
11:15 – 12:00 – Web services
– DOT transportation web services – Matt Rohlf, IDOT
- All services are internal (for now)
- GeoNexus
- ArcGIS Server 9.3.1
- Uses esri flex api
- Jetfire
- Demos Apps
- Lidar finder
- Imagery finder
- Future
- Geonexus
- ArcGIS Server 10
- “Flat” architecture
- Improved performance
- Improved redundancy/failover
- Reduce servers
- Exposing jetfire services through datapower SOA State of Iowa App
– Elevation services and NRGIS Library – Casey Kohrt, IDNR
- Casey Kohrt from the Iowa Do Not Resuscitate dept
- NRGIS Library
- NRGIS FTP Library
- You can subscribe to RSS feed for update
- Developing Web Services
- Demoing REST Services
- PLSS goes down to 1/4-1/4-1/4
– ISU Orthoserver services, and using ArcGIS Explorer Online – Gregg Hadish, USDA NRCS
- ISU Ortho Server
- ArcGIS Explorer (w/ ISU Ortho Services) (go to map contents to turn on/off layers)
- ArcGIS Online – Iowa Web Map Services Group
- Has a list of services available to use with AG online
- Same Services are accessible on mobile devices (ipad/iphone via ArcGIS mobile app)
- Can develop for IOS (w/ API)
– ICIT Data Repository – Matt Boeck, Story County GIS
- Iowa GIS Data Repository
- Server runs on opensource
- You can request access to view/download files, and the administrator will approve/deny request
- Used in 08 floods
- Good redundancy in emergencies
~~Random Links I came across during the day~~
What GM is doing (via @gmeducation)
We made it on CNN!
Typographic Maps: Artful Maps Made Entirely of Type
Waldo made it to GIS Day!